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Narex Profi (Professionsl) Woodworking Chisels This Narex Profi (Professional) line of Narex chisels has lacquered European Beech handles. Primary bevels are ground at 25 degrees. Blades are 4 ½” to 6 ½” long. Handles are 4 ½” to 5 ¼” long. Overall sizes range in length from 9 7/8” to 11 ¾”. Widths are available from 3 mm to 50 mm. Blades have well seated steel tangs. Handles have 2 steel ferrules to withstand vigorous mallet work. These chisels are an excellent value in a good quality tool.

Narex Czech Steel Profi Professional Woodworking Cabinetmakers Chisel with Europ

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